New Release, product data enhancements

7.0.72 was released today, September 8 2020.

  • Major upgrades to the available backend product data, adding a new database with over 660,000 products.
  • Expanded default data set is now available with this new data.
  • Enhanced scalability and availability of the backend product data.
  • Email notification changes, added opt-out option to the settings page.

Our existing database is a similar size, however the real benefit is with the combination of the two datasets which allows us to come up with the calorie information with a moderate frequency instead of almost never.  This also grows our stock image coverage quite a bit, and is expanding the pre-filled data for some up and coming features as well that will come out in future releases.

This addition should go a long ways to making Food Storage Planner easier to use, especially when setting up a new inventory and scanning in items.